深層家居清潔服務 (大掃除服務)

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想了解大掃除推薦公司? 大掃除服務? 大掃除清潔公司推介? 家居清潔公司邊間好? 家居清潔服務邊間好? 家居清潔推薦? 裝修後清潔邊間好? 家居清潔邊間好? 家居深層清潔? 吉屋清潔邊間好? 家居清潔服務邊間好? 

根據維基百科 – 過年大掃除 : 廣東稱為洗邋遢,日本稱為大清掃,是東亞過年前的一個傳統習俗,於每年農曆年底的送神日至除夕,人們會將全屋打掃乾淨,以準備迎接新一年的來臨。年底的大掃除,是東亞的傳統習慣,大掃除的意義為迎新除舊。也就是說把過去一年的厄運通通掃除,可以迎接新一年的開始




貼心的韓管家 – 家居清潔香港公司為您引入清潔護理服務,為你的家進行深層潔淨消毒,殺滅惡菌,並著重清潔一般家庭做不到或很難做的地方,恢復最潔淨時刻,讓您日後只需日常簡單清潔管理就能保持家庭高標準的清潔程度。




廚房深層清潔消毒施工內容 (家居清潔方法)

  1. Clean the kitchen using towels specifically designed for kitchen cleaning.
  2. Disassemble the range hood cover and stove burners.
  3. 以對人蓄無害及具安全認證的環保系清潔劑清潔廚櫃裡外、窗、檯面達至完全去除油污
  4. Clean the stove burners, steam oven, dishwasher, and the interior of the range hood, including its disassembled components, and wipe them thoroughly with a dry towel.
  5. 擦拭廚櫃外壁、廚櫃頂部、天花外壁、燈罩,牆磚、牆角到地面整體
  6. Clean the faucet, drain, and remove water stains, grease, and mold from the sink.
  7. 以高效商用蒸氣機高溫消毒鋅盤及去水口
  8. 如櫥櫃裡沒有擺放物品,會清潔櫃籠

浴室深層清潔消毒施工內容 (家居清潔技巧)

  1. Clean the bathroom using towels specifically designated for bathroom cleaning.
  2. Clean the exhaust fan and bathroom heater by disassembling any removable parts and washing them thoroughly.
  3. 擦拭天花外壁、燈罩、牆壁、熱水爐、地面、門及門框、鏡面
  4. Clean the bathtub and shower hardware, sliding glass doors, and drainage holes. Remove limescale and mold stains.
  5. Clean the lights, mirror, faucet, sink, and drain on the washbasin.
  6. 以對人蓄無害及具安全認證,環保系潔廁劑徹底擦拭坐廁最底部及內彎位置污漬、尿石及英泥漬
  7. 清潔坐墊以及隙縫部分以高效商用蒸氣機高溫消毒殺菌
  8. 如廁櫃裡沒有擺放物品,會清潔櫃籠


  1. Clean the windows, wipe the tops and sides of cabinets, ceiling light troughs, large furniture, and hard-to-reach areas that are difficult to maintain.
  2. 清潔櫃門外壁。如櫃裡沒有擺放物品會拆出所有衣櫃、書櫃、廚櫃、床頭櫃、地櫃的抽屜,逐一裡外清潔
  3. 以對人蓄無害及具安全認證環保系清潔劑清潔櫃籠及抽屜路軌 並去除木屑與灰塵
  4. Use mold removal solution to treat mold spots on plywood. Spray and wipe repeatedly to remove spores and mold growth effectively.
  5. Remove adhesive residue, paint stains, and cement stains effectively.


  1. Using high-performance commercial vacuums for whole-house cleaning, including often-overlooked areas such as wall baseboards and skirting boards.
  2. 把能移開的傢俬移開,去除平時不常打理的傢俬底部地面上的塵埃
  3. 吸塵後擦拭地面,把地面清潔乾淨
  4. 再以高效商用蒸氣機高溫拖地全面消毒(只適用於磚地及石地)


  1. Wipe window grilles and perform multi-level cleaning of window surfaces, frames, and corners using eco-friendly cleaning agents that are certified safe and non-toxic to humans and pets.
  2. Clean dust, dirt, and adhesive residues from glass, window frames, and window grilles.


  1. Use a premium professional vacuum cleaner to extract dust mites, their excrement, dead bodies, and mold hidden up to 30cm deep within the mattress.
  2. Repeatedly pat the mattress to ensure all dust mite bodies are fully extracted.
  3. Thoroughly disinfect the mattress using a high-efficiency commercial steam cleaner at high temperatures to eliminate bacteria and dust mites.



  1. 窗簾施工內容 使用頂級版專業吸塵機吸出螨蟲屍體、排 泄物及霉菌
  2. Vacuum both sides of the fabric curtains, repeatedly patting them to ensure all dust mite bodies are completely extracted.
  3. Thoroughly disinfect the curtains using a high-efficiency commercial steam cleaner at high temperatures.


  1. Use a premium professional vacuum cleaner to extract dust mite bodies, excrement, and mold.
  2. Remove the sofa cushions and repeatedly pat them to ensure all dust mite bodies are completely extracted.
  3. Thoroughly disinfect the fabric sofa using a high-efficiency commercial steam cleaner at high temperatures.
  4. Move the sofa to clean the back of the sofa and the floor beneath it.
  • If items are stored inside the cabinet before cleaning, only the exterior surface of the cabinet doors will be cleaned.
  • 只有在窗外的下方完全沒有機會讓行人或動物經過的情況下才會以工具擦拭窗外壁,否則只會以安全為前提伸手擦拭
  • The service will begin in the morning and is not limited by hours, only concluding after the customer has inspected and approved the work.

Related Questions

  • 1. 家居清潔服務的預約流程是什麼?


  • 2. 購買清潔服務後可以取消或更改訂單嗎?


  • 3. 需要為鐘點購買僱員補償保險 ?


  • 4. 如果想預約星期六、日清潔服務,需要另收費用嗎?


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